"Give Me Land" Home Page

A Free Service From Americas Home Place

F.A.Q. -Americas Home Place | Land Finder Service

How do I add a request for land or list my existing real estate?
It is easy. Simply Create an Account, sign in using the form on the left side of the home page. Once logged in, click on the link on the left side of the Control Panel labeled "Add a Request" or "Add a Listing" and follow the instructions from there. With this FREE account, you can both post your existing real estate which is for sale or submit a request for land you need to purchase.

Is this service form Americas Home Place really free?
Yes. Americas Home Place is not charging any fee to create an account and list your land for sale. Additionally, we are not giving away, or selling your account information nor your email address to anyone either.

Why does Americas Home Place offer this free service?
This is a free service provided by Americas Home Place Inc. for the sole purpose of helping our visitors find land for the homes we build.

Can just anyone post their land for sale?
Yes. We encourage individuals to list their property for sale here. We welcome real estate agents to list their abundance of undeveloped land for sale.

What type of real estate can I list for sale?
You may only list real estate that does NOT have a dwelling of any kind on it - i.e. a house or mobile home. The property may have a barn, driveway, utilities, etc...

How do I get my listing featured on the home page?
These listings are rotated automatically every day using a random query.

Why can I only list my real estate or search within 6 states?
This is a free service provided by

Americas Home Place

 for the sole purpose of helping customers find land in our building areas. The time and effort involved in developing the site further as well as the wear and tear on our servers would not benefit us at this time. We may change this policy in the future.

What can I do to increase my search results?
If you are not getting many search results when searching, try selecting less requirements to yield a broader range of listings.